
WA7- first draft

-Good morning ladies and gentlemen. You are probably wondering why I am here to speak to you this morning. I am here to talk to you about the environment. Today in this world, everyone can make a difference. I'm sure you are wondering how you yourselves can make an impact but after we're done talking you will understand how even the little things can help. Before we start, does anyone have any questions?

-Yes, I do. We are all above the ages of 60, how can we help when some of us are in wheelchairs or bedridden?

-I am so thrilled you asked that question. Even just by recycling newspapers or bottles you're making a difference. After today, recycling containers will be placed in each room. I am hoping that you will organize groups to go and collect the items and then sort them. The home will then take the sorted items to designated recycling centers. Those who are unable to help with pick-up or sorting just need to make sure that they recycle their trash.

-What about those who want to do more, but can't help with the pick-up or sorting?

-Throughout this year, there will be other projects that will be more accessible to those who are confined to limits. There will be a committee made to design these, so that is one way to help. The projects will be non-stressful, but beneficial so anyone can help out. Now, does everyone here agree that we can make a difference?


-Good, I'm so glad we've been able to discuss this. Now, I will be back once a month to see what the progress is, but I am passing out sheets with my contact information so that you can call with any questions. Thank you so much for your time.


WA6- 1st draft

I have never felt this way before. Never have I been called beautiful. I really don't know how to react. I've always been told I have a harsh, bird-like look, but now, someone is telling me I'm pretty and I get paid to take pictures.

I'm not sure if I like this. The scout said that I would have no problem finding jobs, but I don't know what to do or say! I can't imagine seeing my name under top model status. "Isabella James, The Next Big Thing." Yeah, right.

Well, Dad says I should at least give it a try. I should just go to the audition, what could be so bad about that? I don't think i'll be able to stand the 400 other gorgeous girls who are definitely going to be noticed more than me. Maybe I'll get cut right away and that would solve my problems.


I'm at the audition, unfortunatly. Well, actually, I did want to do this to see if i could, maybe that scout was right. I see these huge dresses, I hope we don't have to wear those, I'll look ridiculous.

They just announced my number, oh my goodness. What am I going to do? Just look like you know what you're doing Isabella. You can do this.

There! There's a girl who looks as confused as me. Maybe I'll just go stand next to her. Well, here goes nothing..



WA4- 2nd draft

Dear President Obama,

For the next four years you have a large responsibility, but i am confident that you will do an excellent job. Although many problems cannot be fixed within the four shorts years of a presidential term, I hope that you focus especially on the econmy of our nation and global enviromental issues.

The economy collaspe earlier in 2008 has brought about many difficulties on American citizens. Month to month, the numbers of unemplyment grow, increasing debt and homelessness. This is a concern. Eventually, only the privilaged will able to lead comfortable, structures lives. We strive for "all men are created" equal, and i hope that you see that we need to get a start on the problems at home before we turn to our foreign responsibilities.

Secondly, we as Americans are one of the ost wasteful nations in the world. Soon all promblems will revolve around how the world is slowly dying, and we have the power to slow, possibly stop and reverse this process. Together, citizens need to work together to try to reduce emissions and be more resourceful, while at the same time not making it a huge part of life. With a little effort from everyone we can reduce our waste and emissions just by doing the little things. Reduce, re-use, recycle.

I hope that you take these things into conseration, as we as a nation have the power to come together, change, and be better. Thank you.

Suzanne Galbraith

WA4 -first draft

Dear President Obama,

For the next four years you have a large responsibility, but i am confident that you will do an excellent job. Although many problems cannot be fixed within the four shorts years of a presidential term, I hope that you focus especially on the econmy of our nation and global enviromental issues.

The economy collaspe earlier in 2008 has brought about many difficulties on American citizens. Month to month, the numbers of unemplyment grow, increasing debt and homelessness. This is a concern. Eventually, only the privilaged will able to lead comfortable, structures lives. We strive for "all men are created" equal, and i hope that you see that we need to get a start on the problems at home before we turn to our foreign responsibilities.