
“This is it,” Elizabeth thought as she walked through the doors. The first day of high school. She should’ve had this day three years ago, as a freshman, but because of the insistence of her over-protective single mother, she was home schooled for her first three “years” of high school. With a deep sigh, she remembered the argument that continued to come up in her household.

"But mom, I want to be a normal teenager!"
"You can be! I just want you safe, so we are going to continue your schooling at home. I don't want you dead like your father."
"Aw Mom please don't cry..."

Clutching her new messenger bag that she hoped was still in style, she headed towards what looked like the office.

When she eased open the door, she saw that everything was in utter chaos. With a nervous sigh, she sat down on a very unstable looking bench and looked down at the floor. After what seemed like an hour, a woman who looked like she was in charge asked Elizabeth if she needed something. In a barely audible voice she choked out
“I’m new here.”

Immediately, the woman sat down and introduced herself as Ms. Smith, head of the English department. After glancing at her schedule, she pointed Elizabeth in the right direction of her homeroom and wished her good luck.

Making her way to her classroom was not easy. Pushing and shoving her way through what seemed like a battle ground, Elizabeth was already fed up with high school, and it was only the first day! When she walked into Rm. 283 she was greeted by silence and 14 pairs of eyes looking at her. Quietly, she walked over to the teacher and said hi.

“Uh, yes?”

With sniggers, she took a seat towards the middle of the classroom. Glancing around she saw the typical high school stereotypes; the jocks, the cheerleaders, the geeks and freaks, the girls next door, the quiet artsy type. “I’m in for the ride of my life,” she mumbled to herself."I've just been transported into Mean Girls."

The girl in front of her turned around and glared at her, and Elizabeth’s cheeks immediately turned red and she looked at her hands on her desk. On the desk, she noticed, were carvings and names from previous students. Next to her, with a whisper, an artsy looking guy said
"Don't worry about her, she thinks she's all that, and she's not. I'm Dave by the way.""Elizabeth," she responded. "But you can call me Liza." Elizabeth had no idea where that came from, she had always gone by Elizabeth. But she liked it.

Just then, Miss Harvey began to call roll, and "Liza" learned that the blonde in front of her was named Carla. She didn't know why, but she wanted to know her, and possibly be friends with her.

Startling her, Dave asked to see her schedule.
"Here you go," she said as she passed it over. After a minute Dave looked up with a smile.
"We have three classes together, includig next period!"

Liza was so happy she had already found a friend.

1 comment:

Ms. Wiesner said...

Good dialogue, but it's awfully harsh for the mother to say, "I don't want you dead like your father." I feel like she'd say something more like, "you know I want to protect you. Never forget what happend to your father."

Good, "Making her way to her classroom was not easy. Pushing and shoving her way through what seemed like a battle ground, Elizabeth was already fed up with high school, and it was only the first day!"

I don't think she would mumble this. I think she would think it. "“I’m in for the ride of my life,” she mumbled to herself."I've just been transported into Mean Girls.""

The ending left me hanging. I think she needs to be treated poorly by another student for the nice guy to really serve a purpose.