
WA6- 1st draft

I have never felt this way before. Never have I been called beautiful. I really don't know how to react. I've always been told I have a harsh, bird-like look, but now, someone is telling me I'm pretty and I get paid to take pictures.

I'm not sure if I like this. The scout said that I would have no problem finding jobs, but I don't know what to do or say! I can't imagine seeing my name under top model status. "Isabella James, The Next Big Thing." Yeah, right.

Well, Dad says I should at least give it a try. I should just go to the audition, what could be so bad about that? I don't think i'll be able to stand the 400 other gorgeous girls who are definitely going to be noticed more than me. Maybe I'll get cut right away and that would solve my problems.


I'm at the audition, unfortunatly. Well, actually, I did want to do this to see if i could, maybe that scout was right. I see these huge dresses, I hope we don't have to wear those, I'll look ridiculous.

They just announced my number, oh my goodness. What am I going to do? Just look like you know what you're doing Isabella. You can do this.

There! There's a girl who looks as confused as me. Maybe I'll just go stand next to her. Well, here goes nothing..